Don't let cynicism kill your pride

Yeah, it's LGBTQ+ Pride month again... but it sure is easier to feel cynical than to feel proud these days, isn't it?

Living in a world FUELED by stress, with so much information aimed at our brains, attempting to unconsciously influence every thought, feeling, and decision we make from what we BUY, to what we BELIEVE, to who we LOVE, to how we VOTE...

It can feel OVERWHELMING (and is incredibly unhealthy, to say the least)!

Admittedly, even this post is an attempt to influence your thoughts and feelings; using these words and images to stimulate some level of neurological response, to influence your perception, attitude, and behavior, hoping you'll read, like, or listen to what I have to say (or did I hit the wrong nerve?).

When we hit the wrong nerve (literally)

Why is it SO MUCH EASIER to hurt than to heal, to believe the WORST in ourselves and each other instead of the BEST?

The answer lies in our unconscious nervous system that requires no conscious effort to activate.

This is why navigating and regulating unconscious stress to achieve healthful and healing outcomes DOES require conscious effort (and practice) to stimulate healthful and healing neurochemicals that activate the healthful and healing parts of our brain and nervous system – namely the prefrontal cortex.

This is also why it's SO MUCH EASIER to do the unhealthful and hurtful thing (that requires no conscious effort) than the healthful and healing thing (that requires conscious effort).

It's not because we're "bad" people or that there's something "wrong" with you.

That's just how the human brain and nervous system work to keep us alive, that we must understand and accept in ourselves and others.

When we don't understand how the brain and nervous system operate, it becomes EXTRA challenging to understand and navigate when we're faced with a myriad of perceived threats (largely reinforced by our biases and the information we consume) to figure out what actually is "best" for us and others.

Unfortunately, when we're not taught about the human brain and nervous system in practical ways, it leaves us believing the worst in ourselves and each other, perpetuating the toxic shame, stigma, and division (i.e., STRESS) that we're so desperately trying to heal.

It sure SUCKS, doesn't it?

But wait... there's HOPE!

When we have HOPE in what's possible (reinforced by what we learn and experience), it produces healthful and healing neurochemicals that help regulate our unconscious stress response to motivate us to make that conscious effort, to achieve healthful and healing outcomes.

Because in all of this STRESS, CONFUSION, and DYSFUNCTION (that we've largely created for ourselves), our brain is the ONE THING that can help us regulate and navigate those toxic stressors with the powers of our prefrontal cortex that must be properly developed and cared for as well – to solve problems, to bridge divides, to love and accept ourselves and each other, to heal and understand, to live healthfully and happily TOGETHER (by healthfully navigating the stress of our differences).

Find your hope and motivation!

However you identify now or in the future, I hope you have a healthful, hopeful, and healing PRIDE MONTH and LOVE yourself as the neurological human you are – to FUEL your motivation to care for yourself and others, to feel and do YOUR best!

And if you want another way to give your brain a healthful boost of hope and motivation, listen to the 'HEY LOVAH' podcast produced by me and my husband Nick now available on your favorite podcast platform.

Scott Mikesh