Boost your mood and motivation with the 4D Fit Mental Fitness Playlist!

Need a mood booster?

Listen to music (like my Spotify – 4D Fit Mental Fitness Playlist), because your brain and body respond to music neurologically in very real ways.

Ever get the chills or sudden urge to sing, move, or dance when you hear your favorite song?

Or feel a calm wave when you hear relaxing music?

Music can be a major mood booster by neurologically stimulating the release of neurochemicals like serotonin, endorphins, and dopamine that help you feel energized, motivated, or relaxed.

Music is a game changer

This is why games, movies, major events, advertising, and even retail stores use music to evoke a certain mood or emotion.

And you can do the SAME to your own brain by listening to uplifting, nostalgic, or calming music.

Choose music WISELY (just like you would food), since your unconscious brain still absorbs and responds to every word, sound, and vibration even when you're not aware (e.g., the difference between your emotional response to music in a love story vs. a horror film).

The 4D Fit Mental Fitness Playlist is curated with songs that provide styles and rhythms with uplifting lyrics to help boost your mood.

Do you have favorite songs that help you feel energized, motivated, or relaxed? You can create your OWN mental fitness playlist too!

Scott Mikesh