BOOK LAUNCH: Mental fitness guide for humans now on Amazon!

The wait is over, and just in time for the New Year or that last-minute gift!

MY BRAIN CAN'T POOP: A mental fitness guide for humans is now available on Amazon in e-book and paperback formats.

This first-of-its-kind human guide covers what you need to know about basic brain health and function in a simple, meaningful, and often humorous way (DISCLAIMER: if you don’t laugh, that’s OK too). This unique guide details the 4D Fit Levels of Mental Fitness and related practices to begin (or supplement) your own mental fitness practice. Each and every page is there to help you optimize your brain health, mental function, and emotional well-being, to feel and do your best to achieve your goals—head first!

Though I wish I had written this important book BEFORE COVID struck, the past few years have also put a harsh spotlight on the critical need for trustworthy information, understanding, access, encouragement, care, and support that we all need to feel and do our best, especially when faced with incredible obstacles and challenges.

When it comes to feeling and doing your best, it’s rarely your potential or physical abilities that hold you back, but rather your thoughts and feelings that influence the actions you take (or don’t). In other words, to achieve any goal you must first perceive the possibility, to believe that you can, in order to take the necessary steps to get there. Think of your body as the vehicle and your mind as the driver—as a neurological and physiological function of your brain that must be properly nourished, rested, and cared for to maintain optimal health and function, that can be different for different people. Every brain is as diverse as every body, influenced by a variety of internal and external factors, which is why mental fitness focuses on practices that promote brain health and mental well-being—beyond what’s visible in 3D form.

The e-book version is available for use with the Kindle app (or FREE with a Kindle Unlimited subscription!). A paperback version is also available if you prefer a printed copy for your reading pleasure, bookshelf, or gift, so be sure to choose the paperback option if you prefer when ordering.

When you finish reading, please share any thoughts, feedback, or comments you have via and/or post a review (with hopefully a 5-star rating!) on Amazon to help MY BRAIN CAN’T POOP reach more brains that need a healthful relief.

My heart-felt thanks to all of you amazing brains who've provided so much encouragement, advocacy, and support over the past several years to help me get 4D Fit off the ground, and to get my first book published!

Happiest and healthiest holiday wishes this holiday season and throughout the New Year!

Scott Mikesh