A mental fitness exercise to help you REadapt

A great mental fitness practice as we continue to adapt to our ever-changing social environment is to think of 3 people who help you feel good about yourself, who you also help feel good about themselves too (because mutually beneficial relationships are the most healthful!):

1. _________________
2. _________________
3. _________________

Then tell them you're thinking about them and appreciate them, whether via text, call, email, or mail (depending on their preference).

It can be short and sweet, or you can even schedule a time to talk, Zoom, or meet up!

Then ask yourself, do you find this exercise easy or hard? And WHY?

If you find it difficult, that's OK, so don't be hard on yourself.

We've all been forced to adapt to social distancing and isolation due to the pandemic, often without realizing how many of us were ALREADY struggling with grief, loss, distance, and isolation, that just made it harder.

It can be hard to foster and develop healthful relationships when we're in crisis or despair too, having lost our sense of hope, trust, and safety.

It can be just as hard on our system to REadapt to a more healthful environment after being forced to adapt to an unhealthy one, under the neurological pressure of stress, fear, worry, and even trauma, compounded by so many unknowns.

If you are finding it extra difficult these days to REadapt, please talk with someone, whether it be a neighbor or healthcare provider, or even message me for resources.

While we can't always help others on our own, we can certainly share our support, ideas, and resources that might help.

So be gentle with yourself (and others) as we seek those healthful influences we all need, including other healthful and helpful people!

Scott Mikesh