Harvard Health: How 'feel-good' hormones affect mind, body, and mood

Do you want to empower your people to feel and do THEIR best?

The main aim of mental fitness practices is to achieve a healthful neurochemical BALANCE, that may be different for different people. This is why understanding NEURODIVERSITY is an important part of 4D Fit Mental Fitness programs as well.

While using scientific jargon that people don't understand can induce a STRESS response in itself, it is helpful to understand the basics so you can find the mental and physical practices you need to achieve and maintain a more balanced state (that's what Mental Fitness is all about!).

The primary neurochemicals behind your mood that influence your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors include:

SEROTONIN = safety and contentment
DOPAMINE = pleasure and reward
ENDORPHINS = delight and pain relief
OXYTOCIN = love and friendship

Not only does understanding how your brain works help you find the HEALTHFUL practices you need to balance your neurochemistry, understanding also helps REDUCE shame and stigma (unconscious stress responses) by engaging your conscious prefrontal cortex to increase uptake of serotonin and dopamine, that REINFORCE your motivation to repeat those healthful practices!

Explore 4D Fit Mental Fitness programs to find the best fit for YOU!

Learn more on the Harvard Medical School website.

Scott Mikesh